Social Media & Branding | Community Online-Event

Marketing Lessons from 2020
What did we learn from this Corona year and how can 2021 be better
2020 will be remembered as a special year. It has affected us all. However, all of us have learned something from this extraordinary year of Covid restrictions and lockdowns. We will review this year, in terms of marketing changes. We will also look beyond and provide an outlook of marketing trends that might be popular in 2021.
We also want to hear your opinion :), so please to fill out the Google form below about your 2020 marketing experience. It will take a maximum of 90 seconds of your time. :)
Marketing in 2020 (90s Max to Fill Out)
The presentation is aimed at
- Brand Owners
- Marketing Personnel
- Content Creators and Influencers
To Join on online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 875 4711 2447
Passcode: 845682
19:00 - 19:15 - Introduction
19:15 - 20:15 - Presentation on Marketing Lessons from 2020
20:15 - 21:00 - Interactions and feedback
About the presenter
The presenter is Dr. Prat Das Kanungo, creator of the Zurich.Influencers, who has run a number of successful influencer marketing campaigns and regularly consult brands and content creators on their social media success strategy.
About the Meetup
Social media can be extremely useful for your business or personal branding, for lead generation and new customer acquisition. However, in the flood of information and the ever-changing algorithms, it maybe too overwhelming to decide which social media is the best for your brand and how to maximize not only your Likes but also the Conversions. Therefore, the idea of this Meetup is to demystify social media for businesses and personal brands. It will be led by Prat, Community Member & the creator of the popular lifestyle Instagram channel @zurich.influencers and supported by Tessiner Platz. Please join the event to get some expert feedback on your social media channels, to exchange ideas and experience with other like-minded individuals and to be part of one of the coolest coworking spaces in Zurich.