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Social Media & Branding | Community Online-Event


Five Tips to adapt your business marketing in a challenging environment

Strategies that are working in 2020

A lot of small and medium businesses are suffering because of the Covid. Customer buying patterns are changing. In this challenging time you have to adapt your marketing strategies.

Our guest speaker Leanne Levitt will give you 5 practical tips that has helped her staying afloat in this troubled time.

This interactive webinar is meant for

  • Business owners
  • Marketing professionals
  • Sales representatives
  • Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs

who are resilient and would like to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

About the speaker

Leanne has been a fitness business owner for over 8 years now and during that time her business has been nominated for 2 business awards in the UK. She has also restructured the local Chamber of Commerce Board UK which opened her up to a greater network and gained valuable insight and experience. Since being in Switzerland she has successfully launched her business twice due to bone cancer diagnosis and the pandemic.

To Join on online via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 838 1456 8267

Passcode: 584637


19:00 - 19:15 | Introduction

19:15 - 20:15 | Presentation by Leanne

20:15 - 21:00 | Interactions and feedback

About the Meetup

Social media can be extremely useful for your business or personal branding, for lead generation and new customer acquisition. However, in the flood of information and the ever-changing algorithms, it maybe too overwhelming to decide which social media is the best for your brand and how to maximize not only your Likes but also the Conversions. Therefore, the idea of this Meetup is to demystify social media for businesses and personal brands. It will be led by Prat, Community Member & the creator of the popular lifestyle Instagram channel @zurich.influencers and supported by Tessiner Platz. Please join the event to get some expert feedback on your social media channels, to exchange ideas and experience with other like-minded individuals and to be part of one of the coolest coworking spaces in Zurich.