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Social Media & Branding | Community Online-Event


Personal Branding on Linkedin

“Grow your LinkedIn personal presence with content that matters.”

With over 660 million users, LinkedIn is the most recognized global professional network to find expert advice and useful connections that boost your career. Unlike other social media channels, LinkedIn is less about the “hard sell” and more about building trust and long-term relationships amongst professionals, by sharing useful and relevant content that you are passionate and knowledgeable about. It is the ideal space to develop a personal and trusted “voice” by sharing content that is valuable to the people that matter to you. When you are trusted, business follows.

Want to find out more about how you can use LinkedIn to become a trusted professional voice? Join Prat (creator of the popular lifestyle Instagram channel @zurich.influencers) and Raffaella (communications coach and business writer with over 20+ years of corporate communications experience to talk about LinkedIn, learn some tips and uncover the opportunities LinkedIn offers to make your words count, in a world of ever-changing algorithms.

2 more minutes please!

We’d like to understand how you are currently using LinkedIn to better adapt the content of the session. Please take 2 minutes to complete this short survey, whose results will be shared at the event.

Thank you!

Please complete the survey by 20th June.

To Join on online via Zoom:

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 886 0693 1377


19:00 - 19:15 | Introduction

19:15-20:15 | Presentation by Raffaella

20:15-21:00 | Interactions and networking

Please register for the event here.

About the Meetup

Social media can be extremely useful for your business or personal branding, for lead generation and new customer acquisition. However, in the flood of information and the ever-changing algorithms, it maybe too overwhelming to decide which social media is the best for your brand and how to maximize not only your Likes but also the Conversions. Therefore, the idea of this Meetup is to demystify social media for businesses and personal brands. It will be led by Prat, Community Member & the creator of the popular lifestyle Instagram channel @zurich.influencers and supported by Tessiner Platz. Please join the event to get some expert feedback on your social media channels, to exchange ideas and experience with other like-minded individuals and to hang out at one of the coolest coworking spaces in Zurich.