Inspiring Conversations with Álvaro Guirao, a serial entrepreneur

The event series will be kicked-off with our first speaker Álvaro Guirao, a serial entrepreneur in the tech world and passionate change-maker.
Álvaro is the founder of EmpaticaXR, the eRMLab Coalition, Co-founder of HumiX, Delegate of NEXUS global and ambassador of Consciousness Hacking Zurich.
ZurichRetreat is a project that inspires and connects people from all walks of life. With our events we want to become an active part of the Zurich community, opening spaces of inspiration that foster interaction, cross-pollination and create authentic experiences.
We usually start with an open arrival between 6-7pm where you can get drinks at the bar and some food; then the moderated talk starts at 7pm until 8pm with time for questions and open discussion. Then we close with casual mingling and networking until 9pm.
In our conversations we want to look at different angles to broad topic of ´sustainability´, which is the lead theme of the co-working space Tessinerplatz during the month of January.
ZurichRetreat will create a holistic campus for transition competences that will create an ecosystem to catalyze change and serve as a prototype for a sustainable society model. On our way to that goal, we create innovative community events that spark inspiration.