Halloween Pumpkin meet and greet | Community Event
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Lerne die Coworking Community kennen und tausche dich mit anderen Coworkern aus. Wir zelebrieren Halloween und freuen uns auf eine hausgemachte Kürbissuppe zum zVieri!
Wir freuen uns auf das nette und kurze Networking am Nachmittag und das Get to know der Unternehmen am Tessinerplatz.
Alle Community Mitglieder inkl. Coworker und Partner sind herzlich willkommen.
Wir freuen uns!
Get to know the coworking community and exchange ideas with other coworkers. We celebrate Halloween and are looking forward to a homemade pumpkin soup as an afternoon snack!
We are looking forward to the intresting and short networking in the afternoon and the get to know of the companies at Tessinerplatz.
All community members incl. coworkers and partners are welcome.
We are looking forward!
---------------Protection measures | Events Coworking Lounge Tessinerplatz-----------------
The events in the Coworking Lounge Tessinerplatz comply with the requirements of the federal government and the protective measures of the Coworking Switzerland association. A protection concept is in place. For indoor events, access from the age of 16 is restricted to persons with a valid Covid certificate. Persons with fever/flu symptoms are not allowed to enter the premises. Regardless, please adhere to the hygiene rules. #RespectTheRules