Community Event | Café Scientifique with Robert Finger

Agriculture practices that preserve resources? Enough food to make sure that everyone can enjoy a healthy and balanced diet? We still are a long way from that. In the talk, Prof. Finger will outline the most important fields of action to make the food system more sustainable. This comprises adjustment align the entire food system, from agricultural production until consumption. He will also present insights from our work at the World Food System Center at ETH Zürich.
Robert Finger has been Professor of Agricultural Economics and Policy at ETH Zurich since 2016. He teaches and conducts research at the interface of agricultural sciences and economics, with the aim of contributing to a resilient, productive and sustainable agriculture. His research focuses on agricultural policy, sustainable production systems and risk management in agriculture. Robert Finger is one of Europe's leading agricultural economists, has published more than 180 articles in leading journals and is active in consulting for policy and industry. Since 2021, he has chaired the World Food System Center, which brings together more than 50 groups at ETH Zurich on topics in the agricultural and food systems.