Community Workshop | Being your whole self at work
No more hamster wheel! Put yourself in the driver’s seat of your well-being at work.
About this Event
This workshop is a step toward a work-life that fulfills you. First you’ll experience the spark of inner power—knowing that you can choose wholeness. Then through guided discussion, you’ll receive inspiration and ideas from a community dedicated to well-being. Finally, you’ll define clear, personalized action steps that move the needle toward your well-being at work.
Three diverse facilitators come together with the mission to open up new possibilities for your daily well-being. We believe that you can feel healthy, authentic, human, and whole at work. Not only that—as you take steps toward your own vision for well-being, you create a ripple effect that will impact the lives of your colleagues, friends, and family. Join us!
What to expect:
Come ready for both inner reflection and discussion with small groups / partners, as well as the whole group.
We’ll begin with a check-in, so the group can get to know each other. Then move to a facilitated discussion about the current state of well-being at work, the possibilities for the future, and challenges to address. In the second hour, our facilitators will offer exercises for you to access your inner power, define and design well-being for you, and make an impact on your organization.
You’ll leave with a renewed sense of clarity about what you want, inspiration for what’s possible, and actions steps to take next. You are a leader of well-being at work.
Admission free - collection on a donation basis.
Door opens at 18h30. The event begins at 19h00.
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